Monday, November 9, 2009

2nd Self Portrait

I am working on developing a set for my second self portrait. Hopefully I can coordinate everything to fit in my room and look like I envision in my head. I want to make my room like an older-style room with a really funky distinct style. I plan on experimenting with different times of day to get a different quality of light. For sure a shot during the day when the sun is just setting (my window faces west), and one at night with a long exposure and funky lights. I also plan on experimenting with a wide-angle lens, I would like to use a fisheye, but I do not know anyone who has one.

The set around me is going to include artwork of mine, I plan on putting up some of my better photo graphical efforts and some random other artwork as well. So, this experiment might take place sometime this weekend if I can pull all of the elements together in time. All of the stuff in my final photograph will be there for a reason, everything is some part of my life.

Here are some images that I pulled inspiration from

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