Friday, December 18, 2009


Final self portrait.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

2nd Self Portrait - Research

So the past few days I have been getting everything ready for my second self portrait. I painted my room last night, and today I went out and bough a new lamp and rug. I am trying to figure out what type of lighting I want, and I think my window is between 3:00 - 4:30ish.





I also borrowed a 12-24 lens so I am experimenting with the wide-angle lens and so far I am really enjoying it. I also plan on shooting on Holga, and I am going to experiment with black and white as well as color in the 120 size.

I still want to experiment with night exposures, but other parts of life get in the way of doing that tonight. I also cannot decide if I want to scatter my art work all over the walls or not (I will be in the chair or by the window. Any ideas anyone?

Monday, November 9, 2009

2nd Self Portrait

I am working on developing a set for my second self portrait. Hopefully I can coordinate everything to fit in my room and look like I envision in my head. I want to make my room like an older-style room with a really funky distinct style. I plan on experimenting with different times of day to get a different quality of light. For sure a shot during the day when the sun is just setting (my window faces west), and one at night with a long exposure and funky lights. I also plan on experimenting with a wide-angle lens, I would like to use a fisheye, but I do not know anyone who has one.

The set around me is going to include artwork of mine, I plan on putting up some of my better photo graphical efforts and some random other artwork as well. So, this experiment might take place sometime this weekend if I can pull all of the elements together in time. All of the stuff in my final photograph will be there for a reason, everything is some part of my life.

Here are some images that I pulled inspiration from

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mid-term Review

So it is mid-way through the semester and I am looking at my collection of work and I am defiantly sure that I have improved on the face structure. Looking at my first few portraits of Sara and Lance I notice that the structure is off mainly on the placement/size of the nose and eyes. I feel like I have taken a step too far back with shading, but maybe I just like shading. My first couple of skull drawings were made with rough, sketchy lines and my final skulls look more finished and right because of the quality of the line. I am noticing that my sense of shading in the skull got better with time.

For the next half of the semester, I would really like to nail down my own personal style. I need to choose if I want to go more shaded, or stay with less value. My eyes are always drawn to contrast, so I tend to draw that way, so maybe I shouldn't have messed with that. I noticed I tended to focus more on structure and proportion without shading though. I plan on working more on the structure of the face, and I will try to understand the elements of the face from different angles (something that I really struggled with). I am excited to revisit the rest of the body, and included all of the elements in a full portrait.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm pretty sure it kinda looks like me. This is what I pondered after I paused and realized I had been drawing myself for two hours straight. I notice a few things wrong with the structure (at least I think) and some of the sizing is wrong. I am not sure if the whole downward angle of my face is drawn in right.

And I want to shade! Lines are so boring

An Itch

So, this is me working on my self-portrait. I was finding it really hard to not move my face...I would never make it as a drawing model. One minute I would look up and I would be making a crunchy thinking face and the next I was more relaxed. I decided to keep to all pencil for now, and NOT SHADE AT ALL. Which is really hard for me, because I've got an itch to.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Most of the comments that I got from my group members were along the lines of value. Although a few commented on the lines that I used to draw Kira's shirt and how I used different weights in the gestural lines. The value that I used was mostly in the shading in the face. The shading is mostly correct in the values. The angle of her face is slightly tilted up, so the dark shading under the chin needs to be toned down a little.
What I commented on was the fact that maybe I need to take a step back and start drawing more contour lines. I tend to block in the structure of the facial features, and draw a few shading lines and then start shading from there. I am planning on starting out with only contour lines(and maybe shade from there) with the self-portrait homework, so we will see how it goes.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So I have realized that this is one of my first completed portraits drawn from life. I just had him look down at his computer, which I decided was a hard angle. It was hard for me to understand the angle looking down and the nose was the hardest part for me. The way my brain wants me to draw is more in value, so I get a little screwed up trying to incorporate line and value.

Monday, October 5, 2009

This was my skull that I worked on this weekend. I feel like the back of the skull is shaded in a little better, and there is some good value by the ear. Once again, the teeth need some work, as well as the jawbone on the left side of the jaw. There are a few problems still with value and understanding where the dark shaded spots of the jaw under the eye socket.

The top skull is my first full attempt from class of shading the back of the skull. I think I need to take more time to discover how to shade the back of the head, and feel where the plane differences happen.

The bottom skull is my first shaded 3/4 view. The problem areas are in the bottom of the skull in the jaw. And I need to start putting value into my teeth.

Friday, September 18, 2009

So the first week went alright, I felt that I jumped back into life drawing with some skills that I retained. I really want to focus on drawing in value correctly and putting emphasis on the right areas. I feel that my line work is done well, with varying lines for different areas of emphasis. One thing that I am struggling with is the huge cranium and how to make it look not flat! So I will be working on that...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Life Draw 2

Hey guys, the best way to view what I am all about is from my website

I graduated from Stout in May, and I'm back already for Art Education. I took the first life drawing class about three years ago, and I'm really excited to get to learn more about drawing the figure. My main areas in the past couple of years have been animation, film and photography.